Monday, October 30, 2023

Welcome to an AY a day!  Below is the schedule for the next 7 days:

8 am Pacific Time session:

October 30 - Esalen 12-Restoring-Life-to-Hamstrings
October 31 - Esalen 13-Re-education-of-the-Eyes
November 1 - TBD
November 2 - Esalen 14-Differentiation-of-Head-Movement
November 3 - Esalen 15-Abdomen-and-Chest-in-Breathing
November 4 - Esalen 16-Foot-Hip-Discrimination
November 5 - Esalen 17-Walking-Backward

6 pm Pacific Time session:

October 30 - AY#511. Spread shpagat (Spread split)
October 31 - AY#512. Fish swimming
November 1 - AY#513. Reptiles
November 2 - AY#514. Lengthening on stomach
November 3 - San Francisco Evening Class
9. Improving chest mobility
November 4 - AY#515. Dragging knees to the stomach
November 5 - AY#516. Arms and legs spread

Zoom link to join:
Please register here if you do not have the Passcode:

An AY a day is a daily online ATM study group open to all
Feldenkrais practitioners and trainees. The premise is simple - each
day we go through an Alexander Yanai lesson together. One person
volunteers to read directly from the book, and the others do the
lesson. A short discussion follows immediately after the lesson.

Join us as often as you like in the convenience of your own home -

come daily, every other day, once a week, once a month.  Meet
practitioners from all over the world. The study group starts at
8 am and 6 pm sharp Pacific Time.  Please log on at least 5 minutes
ahead of time. Type in your full name and location (ex. Kwan Wong,
San Francisco) when you log in.  Mute your mic when you are not
talking to avoid sound interference. Point your camera to yourself
during the lesson if possible, so that the reader can follow your
movements. No recordings are made with some exceptions due to
copyrights concern.

Please go to if you need to

convert your time zone. To join the meeting, sign up at
and log on by using the Zoom links above.

Transcripts of 550 lessons from the Alexander Yanai classes are

available to Practitioners and Trainees through the International
Feldenkrais Federation website. AY lessons may be purchased
Individually, in 50-lesson volumes, or as a collection of 11 volumes.

If you want to volunteer to read a lesson, use the sign-up sheet below.

For the 8 am Pacific Time session:

For the 6 pm Pacific Time session:

You can still comment on the lesson and interact with other colleagues

even if you have missed the Zoom meetings.  Please join our facebook
discussion group if you are interested:

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Welcome to an AY a day!  Below is the schedule for the next 7 days:

8 am Pacific Time session:

October 23 - Esalen 05-Four-Cardinal-Points-of-Support-of-Body
October 24 - Esalen 06-Theme-and-Variations-of-Right-Hip-Joint
October 25 - Esalen 07-Intro-to-Dial-Movement-of-the-Pelvis
October 26 - Esalen 08-First-of-Spine-Chain-Series
October 27 - Esalen 09-Actual-&-Mental-Right-Hip-Symphony
October 28 - Esalen 10-Tilting-Legs-Right-and-Left—-Lying-on-Stomach
October 29 - Esalen 11-Wringing-the-Shoulder-Girdle

6 pm Pacific Time session:

October 23 - AY#505. Continuation
October 24 - AY#506. Hip joints backward
October 25 - AY#507. On the knees, bent for prayer
October 26 - AY#508. On the right ischium
October 27 - San Francisco Evening Class
8. Better side bending
October 28 - AY#509. Both sides and knee
October 29 - AY#510. Knees – righting

Zoom link to join:
Please register here if you do not have the Passcode:

An AY a day is a daily online ATM study group open to all
Feldenkrais practitioners and trainees. The premise is simple - each
day we go through an Alexander Yanai lesson together. One person
volunteers to read directly from the book, and the others do the
lesson. A short discussion follows immediately after the lesson.

Join us as often as you like in the convenience of your own home -

come daily, every other day, once a week, once a month.  Meet
practitioners from all over the world. The study group starts at
8 am and 6 pm sharp Pacific Time.  Please log on at least 5 minutes
ahead of time. Type in your full name and location (ex. Kwan Wong,
San Francisco) when you log in.  Mute your mic when you are not
talking to avoid sound interference. Point your camera to yourself
during the lesson if possible, so that the reader can follow your
movements. No recordings are made with some exceptions due to
copyrights concern.

Please go to if you need to

convert your time zone. To join the meeting, sign up at
and log on by using the Zoom links above.

Transcripts of 550 lessons from the Alexander Yanai classes are

available to Practitioners and Trainees through the International
Feldenkrais Federation website. AY lessons may be purchased
Individually, in 50-lesson volumes, or as a collection of 11 volumes.

If you want to volunteer to read a lesson, use the sign-up sheet below.

For the 8 am Pacific Time session:

For the 6 pm Pacific Time session:

You can still comment on the lesson and interact with other colleagues

even if you have missed the Zoom meetings.  Please join our facebook
discussion group if you are interested:

Monday, October 16, 2023

Welcome to an AY a day!  Below is the schedule for the next 7 days:

8 am Pacific Time session:

October 16 - Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation Lesson#23
October 17 - Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation Lesson#24
October 18 - Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation Lesson#25
October 19 - Esalen 01-Introduction-and-General-Remarks
October 20 - Esalen 02-Scanning-and-General-Remarks
October 21 - Esalen 03-Lying-on-the-Stomach-and-Lifting-Head
October 22 - Esalen 04-Tilting-Cross-Legs

6 pm Pacific Time session:

October 16 - AY#499. Dynamic spread
October 17 - AY#500. Leg to the side
October 18 - AY#501. Introduction to walking
October 19 - AY#502. Walking and crawling
October 20 - San Francisco Evening Class
7. Hip and shoulder integration
October 21 - AY#503. Hopping and arms
October 22 - AY#504. Continuation and return

Zoom link to join:
Please register here if you do not have the Passcode:

An AY a day is a daily online ATM study group open to all
Feldenkrais practitioners and trainees. The premise is simple - each
day we go through an Alexander Yanai lesson together. One person
volunteers to read directly from the book, and the others do the
lesson. A short discussion follows immediately after the lesson.

Join us as often as you like in the convenience of your own home -

come daily, every other day, once a week, once a month.  Meet
practitioners from all over the world. The study group starts at
8 am and 6 pm sharp Pacific Time.  Please log on at least 5 minutes
ahead of time. Type in your full name and location (ex. Kwan Wong,
San Francisco) when you log in.  Mute your mic when you are not
talking to avoid sound interference. Point your camera to yourself
during the lesson if possible, so that the reader can follow your
movements. No recordings are made with some exceptions due to
copyrights concern.

Please go to if you need to

convert your time zone. To join the meeting, sign up at
and log on by using the Zoom links above.

Transcripts of 550 lessons from the Alexander Yanai classes are

available to Practitioners and Trainees through the International
Feldenkrais Federation website. AY lessons may be purchased
Individually, in 50-lesson volumes, or as a collection of 11 volumes.

If you want to volunteer to read a lesson, use the sign-up sheet below.

For the 8 am Pacific Time session:

For the 6 pm Pacific Time session:

You can still comment on the lesson and interact with other colleagues

even if you have missed the Zoom meetings.  Please join our facebook
discussion group if you are interested: