Friday, May 26, 2017

An AY a day online study group

An AY a day is a new daily online ATM study group sponsored by the Northern California Region of FGNA. The premise is simple - each day we go through an Alexander Yanai lesson together. One or more people volunteer to read directly from the book, and the others do the lesson. A short discussion follows immediately after the lesson. The lesson schedule is posted at

Join us as often as you like in the convenience of your own home - come daily, every other day, once a week, once a month.  Meet practitioners all over the world.  The study group will start at 8 am sharp PDT - Pacific Daylight Time.  Please log on at least 5 minutes ahead of time.  The first meeting will be held on Thursday, June 1, 2017 and we'll start with AY#1.

Please go to if you need to convert your time zone.  To join the meeting, sign up at and log on to


  1. What a fabulous idea! Looking forward to participating!

  2. Will they lessons be recorded? If so do we have access to them ?
